Friday, July 27, 2012

How to Tell If Your Child Has Adhd or Add and What Can You Do About It

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Do you know about - How to Tell If Your Child Has Adhd or Add and What Can You Do About It

Adhd And Add! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Despite physician analysis, it's coarse for most citizen to seek face opinions and those specifically of mothers! attentiveness Deficit Disorder ordinarily referred to as Add (Or Adhd if there is hyperactivity involved) is growing more and more coarse and becoming even more of a challenge to deal with in today's society.

What I said. It isn't outcome that the actual about Adhd And Add. You look at this article for home elevators that want to know is Adhd And Add.

How is How to Tell If Your Child Has Adhd or Add and What Can You Do About It

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Adhd And Add.

Having an 11 year old who is Adhd - I have been long intending to write an description and summary of Adhd/Add and summarize both our experiences and thoughts. Below is my description in response to the ask I hear so often:

Does my Child have Adhd/Add? How can I tell? What do I do?

My son has had Adhd for as long as I can look back. Yes, kids are supposed to be hyper but sometimes you can just see that minute bit extra!

As a young child:

Very sensitive, running from one task to another, legs twitching while trying to fall asleep, running away from teachers/day care workers many accidents due to clumsiness, not sitting still.

As an roughly teenager:

Not focusing in school, surely disorganized, school work all the time late, forgetting to eat lunch, losing jackets, sweaters, leaving doors open, leave soy milk on table and forget to put away, mood swings, defiant

What were his symptoms?

* Restless

* Not able to quit tasks

* Did not deal with convert well (freak out if something unplanned happened like go to Ikea instead of Home Depot as we originally planned.)

* Could not sit still, leg constantly attractive until asleep

* Hyper focus: getting so complicated in task (reading, puzzle, building etc.) that did not hear you to stop. If asked to stop would freak out.)

* Impulsiveness: throwing rocks @ cars, doing other perilous things without thinking. Even if told not the day before.

* Mood swings: very sensitive, cry easily, low self esteem, strange ramblings, over dramatic

What did we try?

* Fish Oils, Dietary changes, growth Omega 3's & 9's

* Pharmaceutical Drugs: Strattera, Concerta, Adderall

* Native Remedies (Focus, Mindsoothe Jr and Brightspark)

What works for him?

* No Milk! (Milk is like liquid sugar for him - super hyper.)

* Very minute refined sugar

* 2 bananas a day

* Lots of water straight through out day to flush out system

* physical activity - sports

* Consistent disposition - same disposition as much as potential - repetition

* unavoidable reinforcement & feedback

Is he on drugs?

Not any more. He was on Strattera but that was causing him so real crazy thoughts and scary images in his mind - so that was done with. We tried Concerta but that didn't last and the next top dose was too much for him. Adderall worked a bit for about 5 months and then stopped working - roughly like his body metabolized it and got used to it.

Another mom I knew told me her son was on Native Remedies Mindsoothe Jr. A herbal remedy. So I gave it a go and it works! My son is old sufficient to narrate his feelings and he was able to observation a difference. We stopped the Adderall immediately and he's been on only Native Remedies for the last 7 months.

Mindsoothe Jr: Calms him and creates good mood balance, reduces anger & dissatisfaction feelings
Focus Formula: helps him focus & concentrate
Brightspark: reduces hyperactivity and impulsivenes.

I tried taking him off one @ a time to see if changes were noticeable and they were! He is only all 3 now and doing good.


Diet is Very leading - if my son has sugar (which he ordinarily gets from friends @ school) he is done! His behavior and mood are messed up if he doesn't take care of his diet.

Sleep - also very leading - if he's overtired he's a mess!

Consistent disposition & expectations: knowing what he has to do, how to do it and when is crucial. Throwing a list of 20 things for him to do while the day will confuse & frustrate him easily. Knowing how he handles tasks and takes them all in has helped us to help him. Now, we keep it simple, write it down in a check list format so he can tick them off 1 @ a time.

He is very creative and expressive now, though before he could not allege his thoughts and ordinarily came over as rude or as saying the wrong thing. He is very caring and empathetic but can still get surely frustrated and hurt (emotionally).

Our son has learned that Adhd is part of his life and he needs to learn to deal with it. These techniques are works in progress.

Can he be flourishing still?

Of course! I've met many citizen with Adhd as adults - some knew they had it, others did not. I watched how they managed their lives & work and they've all industrialized techniques that worked for them.

What about failures?

Many citizen with Adhd/Add do fail in life. But mainly because they were not understood or given the occasion to succeed. Pushed down, criticized and punished for not being like everyone else - these citizen gave up and got resentful and discouraged (who wouldn't?) and took easy ways out. Most likely hanging with crowds who suitable them for who they were (rough and criminal crowds.) Self medicating is also a coarse procedure of activity (Marijuana) to take the edge off and slow things down.
Parenting Adhd

Not Easy!

Hard, frustrating and big test of limits. But there are resources out there and remember: no one is perfect! Every parent will look back on one instance or an additional one and wish they had approached it differently. Understanding your child and helping them help themselves will be hard and there is no right talk or method. Get complicated in reserve groups if you can - for yourself, house and individually for the child.


* Read books

* contact your mental condition society center

* house doctor

* Teachers, School workers

* Web sites

* Brochures

* Psychiatrists/Psychologists

* reserve groups

* Family/Friends

You are not alone and this path will be a long one - but Understanding Adhd/Add is the first step!

I hope you will get new knowledge about Adhd And Add. Where you may put to easy use in your evryday life. And most importantly, your reaction is Adhd And Add.Read more.. right here How to Tell If Your Child Has Adhd or Add and What Can You Do About It. View Related articles related to Adhd And Add. I Roll below. I even have counseled my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share How to Tell If Your Child Has Adhd or Add and What Can You Do About It.

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