Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Behavior Modification Techniques - Insights and Suggestions For Their Use in Parenting

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Behavior modification techniques have a long, and sometimes controversial, history.

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How is Behavior Modification Techniques - Insights and Suggestions For Their Use in Parenting

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from What Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Behavior modification techniques regain from psychological rehabilitation approaches based on the tenents of operant conditioning proposed by B.F. Skinner. The theories of operant conditioning state that behavior can be shaped by reinforcement or lack of it. Skinner introduced operant conditioning to the normal social in his 1938 book, The Behavior of Organisms.

As a rehabilitation technique, behavior modification is used to address many problems in both adults and children. Behavior modification has been successfully used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (Adhd), obsessive-compulsive disorder (Ocd), phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, enuresis (bed-wetting), disjunction anxiety disorder, and others.

Behavior modification techniques rely on the conscious and planned application of assorted consequences for behavior to encourage children to replace undesirable behaviors with desirable ones.

Behavioral analysts have observed that all behaviors lead to three basic types of consequences:

* Punishment - a person receives something they do not want as a consequent of their behavior.
* Penalty - a person loses something they already have as the consequent of their behavior.
* Reinforcement - a person experiences something that encourages them to repeat a behavior. Reinforcers can be whether negative or positive.

Two key tenets of behavior modification are that people choose most, if not all, of their behaviors and that they choose their behaviors based on what they expect to happen as a consequent of their behavior.

In effect, behavior modification techniques rely on externally applied consequences that are whether pleasant or unpleasant in an exertion to drive the choice away from undesirable behaviors and towards desirable behaviors.

For example, parents might "punish" a behavior by applying an unpleasant consequence to it in the hope that their child will avoid repeating that behavior in the future.

Likewise, parents might repaymen a behavior by giving the child something pleasant as a consequent of their behavior in the hope that their child will repeat the desirable behavior in the future.

Positive reinforcements, like rewards and recognition, can originate high-level, willing cooperation. Punishment, penalty, and negative reinforcement tend to originate bare-minimum, compliancy type behavior.

These techniques have both proponents and critics. Proponents argue that behavior modification techniques teach children the direct correlation in the middle of their behavior and the consequences they receive. Critics argue that the techniques teach children to riposte only to external stimuli, and that they fail to teach children to self-regulate their behavior.

In my perceive as a parent, I have found that a blended arrival to parenting works very well. Study and selectively apply behavior modification techniques when a child is younger and then moderately introduce less externally driven motivational strategies as the child grows in intellectual comprehension and mental ability.

If you choose to use behavior modification techniques as a parent, I strongly recommend that you use a systematic arrival so that you will consistently apply rewards, punishments, and penalties with microscopic regard to your emotional or corporeal power state at the time you apply the consequences.

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