Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Characteristics of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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Do you know about - Characteristics of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that aims at curing citizen with emotional disorders by focusing on behavioral patterns and thought process of the individuals. It is a normal term used various approaches like rational emotive therapy, cognitive therapy, dialectic behavior therapy, Adhd therapy etc. Cognitive behavioral therapy (Cbt)basically has the following characteristics:

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How is Characteristics of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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1.Based on the cognitive model of responses connected with emotions: Cbt is based on changing the thoughts and feelings of citizen internally rather than depending on external surroundings, like people, events or circumstances. This helps the private to act and feel best even if the situation doesn't turn around him.

2. It is rapid:Cognitive-behavioral therapy is considered one of the fastest forms of therapies meant for treating psychological disorders. The formal therapy is ended when both the client and the therapist are satisfied with the correction shown and the client acquires skills to deal with similar problems in future.

3. Developing a good therapeutic relation along with focused approach: A clear relationship in the middle of the therapist and the client is critical for permissible treatment. Therapist who supervene Cbt coming focus on equipping their client with self counseling skills and hence the client learns to come to be independent. This can happen only when the sufferer is comfortable with his/her therapist.

4. The efforts are collaborative:Cbt therapists make an effort to know more about the feelings and thoughts of their client. They try to help them to achieve their goals in life. The role of a therapist is to listen, learn and teach at the same time while the role of the client is to frankly express his/her concerns, fears, and to show a will to discharge what he learns from the therapist.

5. Cbt is a structured and directive coming towards treatment: A single agenda is set for every session of Cbt. The techniques taught to the client are aligned with their private goals..

6. Cbt ideas is based on model of induction: The inductive recipe is adopted to encourage citizen to distinguish myths and assumptions from reality and practicalities of life. This helps the private to accept the real and discard the unreal negative thoughts which pull him down.

7. Homework for clients: The clients are asked to implement the skills and techniques which are taught to them during the therapy sessions. Without practicing them the client cannot overcome his/her problem. Hence, homework becomes an clear part of Cognitive behavioral therapy.

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