Friday, June 8, 2012

Borderline Personality Disorder and Paradoxical Relationships

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Do you know about - Borderline Personality Disorder and Paradoxical Relationships

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People who suffer from a severe form of Borderline Personality Disorder, or Bpd, are extraordinarily sensitive to any perceived dinky or hint of rejection.

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How is Borderline Personality Disorder and Paradoxical Relationships

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They lack insight when it comes to relationships and are unable to calm themselves when under stress. They can come to be enraged when they believe, often incorrectly, that person has done them wrong.

Sadly, the private with severe Bpd is so convinced that others are about to hurt or abandon them that they are compelled to behave in ways which, paradoxically, are enthralling and alienating.

In their efforts to carry on what they fantasize to be unavoidable betrayal or abuse, they inadvertently generate exactly the situations which they most dread.

Otherwise kind and even-tempered individuals can come to be very frustrated in the nearnessy of an unreasonable, irrational and enthralling person with Bpd. They might find themselves acting in ways that are quite out of character.

The person affected with severe Bpd has an uncanny knack of bringing out the worst in those that they interact with. This just reinforces their reliance that most people are going to hurt or disappoint them.

Sufferers of severe Bpd have a qualified need to get back at those who've been supposedly attacking, rejecting or shaming them. Paradoxically, the Borderline sufferer ends up doing all the real harm in their quest to punish the so-called offenders.

Severely-affected Bpd individuals are very adept at causing harm to those who they believe have hurt them. The person on the receiving end of their wrath might have unknowingly played into their hand by responding in a indispensable or rejecting manner, but often they're innocent of any wrong-doing.

Either way, the unfortunate private who has come to be the focus of the Borderline's wrath is in for a very nasty surprise. Nothing they've done could ever merit the degree of viciousness and persistence of the attack. The Borderline private is so filled with a distorted sense of righteous indignation that they are able to pursue their cause, indefinitely.

It's a sad paradox that in order to protect ourselves against person who suffers from severe Borderline Personality Disorder, it is often indispensable to play right into their hands. This unfortunately shows them that they can keep on getting away with their terrible behavior.

The person with severe Bpd is so relentless in their race of "justice" against those who have offended them that their victims often come to be exhausted in their attempts at self-defense. The Bpd sufferer will easily hire lawyers and accuse the other person of the most egregious offenses.

A normal person has no stomach for this type of conflict and is often willing to concede to the Borderline individual's unfair and inappropriate demands. They just want the horror to stop and the angry, irrational person to go away.

A normal person confronted with such persistent hostility will ordinarily exertion to placate the Bpd private because they can see no end to the acrimony, otherwise. Sadly, the Bpd sufferer can add this "victory" to their growing list of "wrongs" that they have "righted."

The more we placate them, the more the person suffering from severe Bpd is convinced that they were right in the first place. Still, our options aren't great. If we engage with them we will exhaust ourselves, and even if we win, the cost will have been too great in terms of our wasted time, money and energy.

Whereas the Bpd sufferer seems to have all the time in the world to dedicate to their vendetta, the average person would much rather go back to their nice, quiet life as quickly as possible.

Until our community is able to protect us from people with severe personality disorders and until the courts recognize and protect us from malicious prosecution, it seems like beating a hasty recession is often our best and safest strategy.

(C) Marcia Sirota Md, 2010

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