Monday, June 4, 2012

psychology and the Methodology of Curing the Mind

Psychiatrist Adhd - psychology and the Methodology of Curing the Mind
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Do you know about - psychology and the Methodology of Curing the Mind

Psychiatrist Adhd! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Right up to the early 1960 scholars believed that the mind was made up of the rationality of the brain and the inner self belief system. These two ingredients combined were what was termed "mind" The scholars at the time understood the true meaning of this term and it was only after this duration around 1967 that the whole attitude towards the mind changed and was re-labelled to the term mental. So mental was then directed to mean the functionality of the brain.

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How is psychology and the Methodology of Curing the Mind

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Psychiatrist Adhd.

So contemporary psychology follows Psychiatry who changed their doctrine into a doctrine whereby behavior was classified into separate mental disorders. The fact that citizen use separate terminology, all those definitions lead us into believing and accepting that all these disorders lie solely within the "cognitive" functioning of the brain. Which sadly excludes the critical element known as "self" or the "inner soul" belief system.

Recapping on old articles I have written and that is; that no behavior can be described as a mental illness or disease. Many times we have called behavior a mental disease and the reality is that all literal diseases can be tested straight through whether a blood or urine sample, Mri, or X-ray. No behavior can be quantified straight through any test whatsoever and therefore cannot be described as a mental disease. However. Often the brain and the self believe principles become integrated into a behavior which could be described as socially unacceptable.

Moving on, it is a fact that all behavior, stems from the inner man known as the Inner Interactive System. The whole human functioning is controlled by "Self" or "Me". We have been indoctrinated into believing that we are controlled by our brain. The question then is how does the free time of option work? How does self discipline work? Who is controlling when I use the term "I have made up my mind"? notice the emphasis is on the word "I". So it is I who is in control of what I do, see, hear or think. I am accountable for my behaviour.

The brain is a super organ that is likened to a Cpu in a computer, but of procedure a far more advanced instrument than that to put it mildly. No computer can ever be compared to a brain. The principle is that the Brain gives us the potential to rationalize facts according to the preset values (Programs) of any unique individuals.

Using the example where a person's "moral values" are of a high priority to the individual and it is recommend to behave in an immoral way, the brain may rationalise so many advantages of doing wrong yet the man would always select to ignore the wrong doing and would want to remain ethical and honest. It therefore does not matter what the brain uses in that database, the individual will over rule the cognitive functioning by the power of option and "will power".(conative functioning) This of procedure is always subjective to the point of moral values over the other personal values or standards.

The prominent factor to understand is that all behavior is governed by your inner self belief system. In other words if I have an over activated inner insecurity, Lack of selfworth, guilt feelings and many other negative impacting influences our mental would react according to that belief system. This what needs to be questioned; are you mentally ill? Well one could certainly write back "Yes" but the reality or truth is "No" it is a false inner photograph that has been created straight through circumstances or separate environmental factors.

So where do all these metal disorders such as public Anxiety Disorder, Bipolar, Adhd, Manic Depression and all 374 plus mental disorders come from? The write back is marketing of drugs to make money out of our ignorance. No tablet or drug can convert your belief system. Only you can do that straight through the power of choice. Of procedure psychotic drugs could make you feel great as they all work on the neurotransmitters in the brain. It slows them down and damages these transmitters causing you not to be able to rationalize your true inner feelings or beliefs. Drugs moves you away from reality or allows you to escape from those realities.

The results of taking these drugs is that there are always side effects that could cause serious damage to various parts of separate organs within the body. Sadly they create a inner dependency on the drugs because the body start reacting to these drugs and tries to rectify the damaged being caused. So long term affects of drugs is that it destroys distinct elements of the body that often cannot be rectified due to permanent damage.

The Psychiatrist of this world cannot prove one drug to help a inner behavioral problem and all mental disorders have been invented all in the name of "Money" without any curative science to back their legal drug dealings. It takes two citizen to create a mental disorder.

The cure for all these inner feelings can certainly be dealt with by easy changing the environment which is influencing your self perception. The truth is you are uniquely separate and that your true inner values combined with your gift environmental values will settle exactly how and why you function the way you do.

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